Content writing

How to Become a Crypto Content Writer: The Ultimate Guide You Need.

Becoming a writer in the crypto niche can be more lucrative than everyday freelance content writing.

It does not matter if the value of top cryptocurrencies takes a nosedive and the market is bearish. However, how do you find your feet in this writing niche and establish presence and authority?

The following questions and answers are all the nuggets you need on how to become a crypto content writer.

How can writers make and earn cryptocurrencies?

The key is to position yourself correctly. If you’re a crypto content writer looking to earn in cryptocurrencies, there are a few things to remember.

  • Take the time to hone your skills;
  • Create a portfolio of your work using programmed templates;
  • Apply to several platforms such as Upwork, LinkedIn, sites that lost crypto jobs, where crypto content writers can earn cryptocurrencies for their works;
  • Start making and earning cryptocurrencies.

Is there any crypto platform that caters to content creators?

Many crypto platforms allow content creators to earn from their content and get paid in cryptos. Here are some of them:

  • Hive: a blockchain-based social media platform where creators get rewarded with the HIVE cryptocurrency for their content.
  • LBRY: a decentralized content sharing and publishing platform where creators publish their content and get paid in the LBRY cryptocurrency.
  • Steemit: a blogging and social media crypto platform where users earn STEEM crypto for their content.
  • BitTube: a video platform for creators to receive ad revenue and direct viewer contributions in crypto.

There are also others like Brave and Publish0x that have a variety of features and benefits for crypto content writers.

What is good written content for the crypto market right now?

Well-written content for the cryptocurrency market right now is any content providing value and information that assists readers in making knowledgeable choices and staying abreast of the latest in the crypto space. This content can be:

  • Educational content that helps people, especially newbies, understand various blockchain and crypto-related concepts better.
  • In-depth market analysis and insights on existing market trends to help readers identify key drivers and challenges facing the market and opportunities they can leverage.
  • Latest industry news and updates to help readers keep up with the latest happenings in the industry, including new projects, latest partnerships, etc.
  • Investment advice to guide readers interested in trading and investing on how to approach the market and make the most knowledgeable investment decisions.

What are the suggested crypto contents to post on LinkedIn?

  • News around market updates, events, regulations, and the activities of top companies in the industry.
  • Blockchain educational content, including articles, videos, or infographics.
  • Case studies highlighting use cases of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies in various industries.
  • Sharing opportunities in the crypto space, such as job postings and investment tips and insights.
  • Guest posting in collaboration with top industry experts or influencers.

How to start a blog on a cryptocurrency niche?

  • Decide on the best niche for you from the many available options based on your interests, passion, and expertise.
  • Select the most suitable platform for your blog. Your options include WordPress, Medium, or Blogger.
  • Select your blog’s domain name and ensure it is one your target audience can remember easily.
  • Complete your blog setup, which includes a theme or template, customized layout, etc.
  • Start publishing only quality content that provides value to your readers.
  • Promote your blog to drive traffic by posting your content on social media, posting on other bigger blogs and linking them to your blog, etc.

How do I work online and get paid in crypto (2024)?

You can earn various methods in crypto irrespective of your skill set. They are:

  • Mining
  • Cryptocurrency trading
  • Staking on cryptocurrencies
  • Participating in airdrops and forks
  • Leveraging freelancing and gig platforms as a crypto developer, marketer, writer, designer, etc.
  • Creating written, video, and audio content
  • Taking part in Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and Initial Exchange Offerings (IEOs) of new cryptocurrency projects.
  • Completing online surveys and tasks
  • Investing in Decentralized Finance (DeFi) platforms.

How do you create high-quality content for crypto promotion?

From planning and getting creative to maximizing content creation tools, following these step-by-step tips will help you as a crypto content writer to create high-quality content for crypto promotion.

  • Identify your audience and the message that suits them best.
  • Create a draft for your content, video script, or storyboard.
  • Collect necessary visual assets such as images, videos, and infographics to emphasize your message.
  • Choose your preferred content creation tool. For example, Google Docs, Word, or Notion for writers, Canva, Visme for designers, iMovie, Premiere Pro, or Final Cut Pro for video content creators etc.
  • Ensure you understand how to maximize your chosen tool. Consult learning resources if necessary.
  • Call attention to the unique features of the crypto project you’re promoting with clarity.
  • Review your content and make necessary edits before posting them in the public.

How can I get free content-writing tools?

Here are steps to get and maximize the several free content writing tools available online:

  • Select the free content writing tool you need like Hemingway Editor for example.
  • Sign up or create an account using your email address.
  • Start writing your content.
  • Maximize every feature at your disposal for editing your content especially.
  • Save your work and export it in your preferred format.

Unlike Hemingway Editor, other tools like Grammarly might not be entirely available for free. But, they offer free trials or limited free access to their premium features. Give it a try! Also, ensure that you read the terms and conditions of your preferred tool to abide by its policies.

Where can I find content writing work?

Finding content writing work can be a hurdle for the average crypto content writer, especially when you are just starting. Still, you can land your first writing work via the following channels.

  • Improve your online presence to attract potential clients. Start with a good writer’s website or portfolio and update this site frequently with quality work.
  • Join bidding job sites like Hive, Upwork, Steemit, Publish0x, Fiverr, etc. But, ensure you go for only jobs that do not underpay you.
  • Leverage job boards, whether free or paid, to find high-paying content writing works.
  • Create guest posts on blogs that pay writers to write for them and give them credit for these works.
  • Maximize the attention on social media to land lucrative content writing jobs by tailoring your profile to sell what you do.

How do I learn content writing without the courses?

Learning content writing is more about growing strong writing and research skills and demonstrating your expertise through a portfolio of published works. Doing these helps you kickstart a crypto content writer career without the courses.

In reality, many crypto content writers are self-taught and have built successful careers in the field just by continuously honing their crafts, learning new things, and improving their skills.

How does the ‘rate per hour’ work with content writing?

New crypto content writers often find it challenging to determine their hourly and general writing rates. The prices can differ significantly, depending on your experience, track record, and the quality of your work. Typically, the average freelance content writer makes $29 per hour. However, experienced writers with higher expertise can charge anywhere from $50 to $100 per hour.

What is the job description of a crypto content writer

As a crypto content writer, you will be responsible for creating compelling articles on various topics related to Web3 and DeFi. This will require you to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in DeFi and crypto and come up with fresh content ideas.

Additionally, you will need to conduct thorough research on your audience to produce tailored content that resonates with them. You will be the driving force behind the overall content strategy across all channels, including the blog, social media, community, and articles, ensuring that the messaging is consistent and engaging.

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