Web3 Marketing Tools

Web3 Marketing Tools, Trends & Services to Focus on

Web3 projects develop an excellent products, but they are often faced with the challenge of marketing their project.

One major problem is that traditional marketing methods would not work in Web3.

In this article, you will learn about helpful Web3 marketing tools, trends, and services that would help you market your product.

Web3 Marketing Tools, Trends & Services to Focus on: What is Web 3.0 Marketing?

Web 3.0 marketing is the marketing strategies and practices targeted explicitly at the Web3 industry.

It involves building and engaging with communities of users who share common values and interests, and who can benefit from the various financial, social, and creative opportunities that Web 3.0 offers.

Why do Web3 projects need marketing?

Web3 projects are decentralized applications that run on blockchain networks and offer various benefits, such as transparency, security, and user empowerment.

However, Web3 projects face many challenges and barriers, such as low awareness, adoption, and usability.

Therefore, Web3 projects need marketing to communicate their value proposition, educate their potential users, and build trust and loyalty with their communities.

Top elements that make up a web3 marketing stack

1. Content creation tools

These tools enable Web3 projects to produce high-quality and relevant content that can attract and retain their target audience and empower them to monetize their content through various mechanisms, such as non-fungible tokens (NFTs), subscriptions, donations, royalties, and more.

Content creation tools can be divided into two categories:

  • tools that help create content
  • tools that help distribute content.

Some examples of content creation tools are:

– Reface allows content creators to swap faces with celebrities, create deep fake videos, and generate NFTs from their creations.

– Mirror also enables writers to collaborate with other creators, issue social tokens, and launch crowdfunding campaigns.

Some examples of content distribution tools are:

– Hootsuite allows users to schedule posts, monitor engagement, and measure performance.

– Buffer allows you to schedule your post, optimize your posting times, analyze your performance, and reshare your evergreen content.

– Mailchimp allows you to create, send, and manage email newsletters and campaigns. It helps you segment your audience, personalize your messages, test your subject lines, and track your results.

2. Community building and engagement tools

Web3 projects need community-building and engagement tools to create and nurture loyal and engaged community members who support your vision and mission of the projects, contribute to the development and governance of your project, and even become brand advocates.

Examples of community building and engagement tools

– Discord can be used to build and manage your communities, as it offers features such as channels, roles, bots, integrations, and moderation tools.

– Telegram is also popular among Web3 projects to build and manage your communities, as it offers features such as groups, channels, bots, stickers, polls, and encryption.

– Twitter is used to communicate your value proposition, educate potential users, and build trust and loyalty with your audience.

3. Analytics tools

It is not a good business strategy to consistently create content without checking your content performance.

Analytics tools are necessary and used to measure and optimize your marketing performance, user behavior, and business outcomes.

From these results generated from the analytics tools, you can

– Track and analyze your Web3 campaigns and audience metrics, such as impressions, clicks, conversions, retention, and ROI.

– Identify and segment your Web3 users based on their on-chain attributes, such as wallet address, transactions, holdings, and interactions.

– Learn which content and incentives perform better for user segments and personas and how to personalize them based on user credentials.

Some examples of analytics tools that are designed for Web3 marketing are:

– Tide can be used to launch and track Web3-native campaigns that target, connect with, and retain your users. Tide also allows you to prevent Sybil attacks with credentials, personalize rewards based on credentials, and track Web3 native metrics.

– Dune Analytics creates, shares, and explores data from different blockchain smart contracts, enabling users to access pre-made dashboards, join data communities, and query data using SQL.

– Nansen provides on-chain data and insights for crypto investors and professionals. Nansen enables users to discover new opportunities, monitor trends, and analyze user behavior using AI-powered labels.

4. Marketplace

If you have a token, how do you make it accessible to your members to purchase and use on your platform?

This is why you need a marketplace where your users can buy, sell, trade, and exchange your token with other users.

If users or developers have to pay a gas fee in your token while using your protocol, it is crucial you have a token and make it accessible to the public.

And the best way to do that is to list your token in a reputable marketplace such as Binance, Uniswap, Sushiswap, Okx, etc.

Listing Your Token on Marketplace can help your Web3 projects to:

– Generate revenue and value from your Web3 products or services, such as NFTs, tokens, subscriptions, and more.

– Enhance user experience and satisfaction by offering convenience, variety, and security when trading your tokens.

– Foster your community and network by enabling peer-to-peer interactions, collaborations, and feedback.

Some examples of marketplace tools that are designed for Web3 marketing are:

– OpenSea allows you to create, discover, and trade NFTs. OpenSea can also enable you to create NFT collections, auctions, and storefronts. You can trade NFTs on Opensea using multiple chains.

– Uniswap allows users to swap any ERC20 tokens without intermediaries.

– SuperRare, similar to Opensea, allows users to create, collect, and sell digital art as NFTs.

Web 3.0 Marketing Tools That Every New Crypto Project Must Have

X(formerly called Twitter)

One way to do Web3 marketing is to use X (formerly Twitter). X can help your Web3 projects to:

– Reach a large and diverse audience of crypto enthusiasts, developers, and users.

– Showcase your features, updates, achievements, partnerships, and use cases through tweets.

– Engage with your users and followers by answering questions.

– Build your brand identity and reputation by creating a consistent tone of voice.

– Collaborate with other Web3 projects and stakeholders by joining Twitter spaces and retweeting relevant content.


Intract provides you with a suite of tools that enable you to:

– Map your users’ wallet journeys, track your marketing COST Acquisition Cost (CAC), run targeted ad campaigns and airdrops, and optimize your marketing ROI.

– Build token-gated communities, engage your consistent users and product evangelists, and reward them with personalized quests and incentives.

Using Intract for your Web3 marketing will help you grow your Web3 project by:

– Increasing your user acquisition and retention by offering value and utility to your users.

– Building trust and loyalty with your users by providing transparency and security.

– Enhancing your user engagement and satisfaction by offering incentives and rewards.

– Establishing thought leadership and credibility in the Web3 space by showcasing your innovation and impact.


QuestN helps you create, manage, and analyze quests for your project.

Quests are gamified and incentivized tasks you can offer your users to increase their engagement, retention, and loyalty.

QuestN also helps you connect with a network of influencers, communities, and partners who can promote your project and reach new audiences.


Awario offers a suite of advanced social listening and analytics solutions for Web3 projects.

It helps you:

– Monitor relevant mentions of your brand, product, or keywords online across social media, news, blogs, videos, forums, and reviews.

– Analyze each mention using Awario’s AI-powered tools, such as sentiment analysis, topic cloud, alert comparison, and more.

You can also segment your audience based on their age, location, language, and other attributes.

– Engage with your audience and influencers by directly responding to their comments, questions, and feedback from Awario’s dashboard. It is improper to consistently drop a post and not respond to your users.


DeBank is a Web3 tool for managing wallets, aggregating DEXes, and aggregating decentralized applications and blockchains.

It has added more use cases to its products.

This is what DeBank will help you do:

– Monitor and manage your Web3 assets across various protocols and platforms, such as tokens, NFTs, and DeFi positions.

DeBank’s website or app can track your portfolio performance, transactions, holdings, and interactions.

– Access and analyze on-chain data and insights for your Web3 project and users.

You can use DeBank’s API or SDK to integrate with your website or platform.

You can also use DeBank’s dashboard to view and export data reports, such as user behavior, feedback, and more.

– Create and launch Web3-native campaigns that target, connect with, and retain your users.

You can use DeBank’s official account service to broadcast your business cards, stream your project updates, and chat with your users.


When people visit your website or page, and you don’t collect their email, you are not only leaving a lifetime contact with these people but risking yourself from losing everything you’ve built if Web2 social media platforms decide to ban you.

The purpose of SendX is to keep users updated about the latest project development. Not all users have the time to follow up information on your social media platforms.

SendX is a platform that offers email marketing software for Web3 projects.

It helps you:

– Create and send unlimited email campaigns with high email deliverability.

You can use SendX’s drag-and-drop email editor to design beautiful newsletters without coding.

You can also use SendX’s features to set your campaign goals, budget, duration, and rewards.

– Build and grow your email list with embedded sign-up forms, pop-up forms, and landing pages.

You can use SendX’s tools to create elegant, high-converting forms and pages matching your brand and niche.

Use SendX to segment your audience, personalize your messages, and test your subject lines.

– Automate your email marketing with drip sequences, automation rules, and smart campaigns.

You can use SendX’s tools to create and manage email sequences that nurture your leads and customers.

Use SendX to auto-tag subscribers based on their activity and start, stop, or exclude them from email sequences.

– Measure and optimize your email marketing performance with analytics and A/B testing.

You can use SendX’s dashboard to track and analyze your campaign metrics, such as impressions, clicks, conversions, retention, and ROI.

You can also use SendX’s features to A/B test your email campaigns with different subject lines and boost your opens.

Sprout Social

Sprout Social is a valuable tool for Web3 projects by simplifying the management of your social media presence, enhancing audience engagement, providing analytics insights, and helping you stay competitive in the ever-evolving blockchain and cryptocurrency ecosystem.

As a Web3 project founder, this is a list of features of Sprout Social.

  • Social Media Management
  • Content Scheduling
  • Audience Engagement
  • Analytics and Reporting
  • Keyword Monitoring
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Content Calendar
  • Team Collaboration
  • Data Security
  • Customer Support
Token Launch Platforms

Not every founder is fortunate enough to receive funding from VCs.

Most Web3 projects are bootstrapped, and they often die a natural death.

Not because they didn’t have a unique product but because the founder didn’t have enough finance to sustain the project, such as paying community moderators, developers, social media marketers, writers, etc.

It’s not just about building a protocol; these skills make the success of a project.

Therefore, as a founder, while developing your protocol, do you have plans for marketing it?

If you have limited funds, one of the best ways to get funding is to create a token with use cases and sell it to your community.

The money raised from your community will be used to promote your protocol.

You can use token launch platforms to launch your native tokens on decentralized exchanges and markets.

Some of the benefits of using Web3 token launch platforms are:

– They provide access to a large and diverse pool of investors and users interested in Web3 technologies and innovations.

– Token launch platforms offer various features and tools to help Web3 projects and platforms design, test, and deploy their tokens securely and competently.

– They enable Web3 projects and platforms to leverage the advantages of decentralized finance (DeFi), such as liquidity, interoperability, transparency, and efficiency.

Some of the examples of Web3 token launch platforms are:

Not all Web3 projects are interested in using a Launchpad.

Another alternative is to distribute your token through an airdrop.

Some projects avoid SEC and other regulatory issues and stick to airdrops.

Most of these projects often receive funding from VCs.

So, there is usually no incentive to conduct a token sale.

Polyflow User Retention Platform: Targeting Fans Directly

Polyflow is a user retention platform that helps Web3 developers and teams directly target and engage their fans.

It allows your project to capture and analyze the behavior and preferences of different Web3 users, such as crypto holders, NFT collectors, or gamers.

Polyflow also enables you to create and launch personalized campaigns and incentives for your fans, such as airdrops, referrals, or rewards.

Marketing Metrics Early-Stage Web3 Startups Should Track

Traffic Sources

Traffic sources are one of the most important marketing metrics for early-stage Web3 startups, as they indicate where your potential users are coming from and how they are discovering your project.

It can help Web3 startups to:

  • Identify the most effective marketing channels and campaigns that drive traffic to your website or platform.
  • Optimize your marketing budget and resources by focusing on the channels and campaigns that have the ROI.
  • Understand your user behavior and preferences by analyzing your visitors’ demographics, interests, and actions.
  • Improve your user experience and conversion rate by tailoring your website or platform to suit your visitors’ needs and expectations.

To track traffic sources for Web3 startups, there are several tools and methods that you can use, such as:

Google Analytics, a tool that allows users to measure and analyze your website traffic and performance.

Google Analytics can help your Web3 project to track various traffic sources, such as organic search, paid search, social media, referral, direct, and email.

Metrika, a tool that measures and analyzes your Web3 traffic and performance.

It can help you to track various traffic sources, such as organic search, paid search, social media, referral, direct, and email.

Metrika can also help you segment your traffic by attributes such as wallet address, transactions, holdings, interactions, and more.

Percentage of Organically Acquired Users or Community Members

The percentage of organically acquired users or community members is a marketing metric that measures how many users or community members discovered and joined your Web3 project without any paid or sponsored promotion.

This metric can help you evaluate the effectiveness of your organic marketing strategies, such as word-of-mouth, referrals, content marketing, SEO, and more.

To track the percentage of organically acquired users or community members for your Web3 project, you can use various tools and methods, such as:

To calculate the percentage of organically acquired users or community members for your Web3 project, you can use the following formula:

Percentage of organically acquired users or community members = (Number of organically acquired users or community members / Total number of users or community members) x 100

For example, suppose your Web3 project has 1,000 users or community members, and 800 of them joined through organic sources such as word-of-mouth or content marketing. In that case, your percentage of organically acquired users or community members is:

(800 / 1000) x 100 = 80%

80% of your users or community members joined your Web3 project without any paid or sponsored promotion.

This number is reasonable. Assuming you have up to such a number, the best thing to do is to double down and increase the efforts of the organic traffic that brings in the most traffic.

Cost of Acquired Customers (CAC)

Cost of acquired customers (CAC) is a marketing metric that aims to quantify what startups spend on average to acquire each visitor or user.

Many early-stage Web3 startups do not consider CAC when assessing marketing performance because they are not yet paying for traffic. However, CAC is still an important metric to track, as it can help Web3 startups to:

– Evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of their marketing channels and campaigns.

A lower CAC means that the startup is spending less to acquire each user, which implies a higher return on investment (ROI).

– Compare their performance with their competitors and industry benchmarks. A higher CAC means that your project is spending more money to acquire each new user. This can indicate that your protocol faces higher competition, lower efficiency, or lower demand for its products or services.

– Optimize your marketing budget and resources by focusing on the channels and campaigns with the lowest CAC and the highest conversion rate.

– Forecast your future growth and profitability by estimating how much you need to spend to acquire a certain number of users and how much revenue you can generate from them.

To track CAC for Web3 startups, several tools and methods can be used, such as:

  • Metrika
  • Google Analytics
  • Bitly

To calculate CAC for Web3 startups, you can use the following formula:

CAC = Total marketing expenses / Total number of acquired users

For example, if your Web3 startup spends $1000 on marketing in a month and acquires 100 users in the same period, then your CAC is:

$1000 / 100 = $10

This means that you spend $10 on average to acquire each user.


What age group is Web3 for

Web3 is not limited to any specific age group. Still, it may appeal more to younger and digitally savvy users familiar with decentralization, blockchain, and cryptocurrency.

According to Movement strategy, Web3 users tend to be between 18 and 34 years old and are predominantly male.

How are brands using Web3?

  • Creating virtual products, such as NFTs, avatars, skins, and digital assets, that can be sold, bought, traded, and exchanged on various platforms and metaverses.
  • Leveraging NFTs to create exclusivity and community around their products and services.
  • Creating and launching Web3-native campaigns that target, connect with, and retain their users.

How big is the Web3 market

According to coinmarketcap, the web3 market size was valued at $1.03 trillion when this article was published.

The Web3 market is expected to grow significantly in the coming years as more users and businesses adopt Web3 solutions for various purposes and benefits.

Is Web3 for everyone?

Web3 is not for everyone, at least not yet. Web3 is still in its early stages of development and adoption, and it faces many challenges and limitations. Some of these include:

  • Technical complexity
  • Regulatory uncertainty
  • Social inequality

Why are people interested in Web3?

People are interested in Web3 for various reasons, but some of the most common ones are:

  • Web3 promises to give users more ownership and control over their data, identity, and digital assets.
  • It enables creativity and innovation by allowing anyone to build and use decentralized applications (dApps) that run on open protocols and networks.
  • Web3 offers more opportunity and inclusion by creating a more accessible and fair web for everyone.

How do I become a Web3 marketer?

  • Learn About Web3 Technology
  • Explore Decentralized Applications (dApps)
  • Develop Marketing Fundamentals
  • Specialize in Web3 Marketing Tactics
  • Build a Personal Brand
  • Experiment and Adapt
  • Certifications and Courses
  • Portfolio Development
  • Writing and editing skills
  • Communication skills

How do you choose the best web3 marketing agency?

Choosing the best Web3 marketing agency for your crypto project can be daunting. Do the following.

  • Conduct marketing research
  • Inquire about customized marketing solutions
  • Verify transparency and authenticity
  • Evaluate full stack vs. specialized agencies
  • Consider multiple options

What are some of the challenges of Web3 marketing?

Some of the challenges of Web3 marketing are:

– Accessibility: Web3 marketing requires users to have access to the necessary hardware and software to interact with decentralized platforms and applications.

– Usability: Web3 marketing requires users to have a certain level of technical knowledge and skills to navigate the complex and unfamiliar aspects of Web3.

– Interoperability: Web3 marketing requires users to seamlessly switch between different platforms and applications built on other protocols and networks.

Where should I start to learn Web3?

Read this article to get started in Web3

What will be the role of social media in Web3?

The role of social media in Web3 is to empower users with more ownership and control over their data, identity, and digital assets and to foster an environment free from censorship and intermediaries.

How will Web3 change social media?

  • Rewarding users and creators
  • Promoting privacy and transparency
  • Fostering community and innovation

Will Web3 ever be mainstream?

The future of Web3 is still uncertain and evolving, but it offers many opportunities and challenges for those who want to be part of it.

With these present issues, Web3 will take several years to mainstream, possibly five to 10 years.

How do I start my Web3 career as a newcomer?

You can offer several skills in Web3 and make a career from it. Some of them are Content writing, community management, etc. Pick one skill and focus on it.

What language is Web3?

There is no single language that is Web3, but rather a variety of languages that can be used for different purposes and aspects of Web3 development. Some of the languages that are commonly used or associated with Web3 are:

  • Solidity: Ethereum uses this.
  • Vyper: Ethereum also uses this.
  • Rust: Polkadot, Solana, Near, and Parity use this language
  • Go: Cosmos, Tendermint, IPFS, and Filecoin use this language
  • JavaScript: Ethereum, Tron, Binance Smart Chain and The Graph uses this language.
  • Huff: The Aztec Network (opens new window)team created Huff to write Weierstrudel.
  • Rust: Blockchains, including Solana, Polkadot, Elrond, NEAR, and ZCash, all support smart contract development with Rust.
  • Move: Aptos_Network and SuiNetwork, Layer One blockchains, used Move to create them.
  • Cairo: StarkWare uses Cairo to power StarkEx, the toolbox of scalability solutions powering Ethereum dApps, including dYdX, Sorare, and Immutable.
  • Haskell: Haskell is a programming language used by Cardano’s Plutus for dApp development.

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